Monday, February 13, 2012

Checking In.... So Little Time!

I know it has been a while and I apologize for that, but there is lots to report! For starters I spent my christmas vacation in the Dominican Republic!!!

Images via moi

It was gorgeous and fantastic! But it was a relief to come home! After my return from vacation I received one of the greatest emails ever! I had sent an email to the unit producer from the Steven and Chris Show and needless to say I am their new decor intern!! 

image via

It is a wonderful opportunity that has thus far been lots of fun, it is a great opportunity to network and a wonderful work experience as well as design experience. 

Obviously you all know that additionally the IDS 2012 show happened and I hope you all went! It was fabulous as always!

Images via Moi

Those are just a couple images of some of my have products and booths, there are many more but way to many! So those are my top picks!

Additionally to the show I have been busy with school as always! I am coming up on my graduation! It is only a few short months away! So I maybe be distant for a while as this is my last gasp of air in my last stretch of crazy projects till I am finally at the end! So wish me luck and I will keep you all posted and hopefully I will more good news, good design, and maybe a few helpful DIY tips to come!

Talk to You Soon,    Decor Guru